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130 Sugar Lake Drive
Mound City, KS, 66056
United States


Concrete Cares is a 501/c non-profit group of volunteers who provide events centered around concrete to fight cancer and help families stricken by cancer


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Solomon Colors

The Charlton Family

The Charlton Family

Tyler Charlton is 16-months of age and being treated for cancer at St Jude’s

The Charlton family lives near Fort Smith AR so travel and expenses for Tyler along with loss of work has a heavy financial toll on the family as Tyler continues chemotherapy treatments.



Tyler Charlton Update:

Tyler was diagnosed with cancer when he was 16 months of age, many trips from Fort Smith to St. Judes followed. The original diagnosis was he would not live to see his second birthday. On June 12, Concrete Cares and several families involved in concrete construction celebrated his second birthday, and it was thought he was cancer-free.

2 weeks later, we were informed that the cancer had returned and was terminal. He is undergoing surgeries next week as the Charlton family makes their plans for hospice care.

Tyler and Mom
