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130 Sugar Lake Drive
Mound City, KS, 66056
United States


Concrete Cares is a 501/c non-profit group of volunteers who provide events centered around concrete to fight cancer and help families stricken by cancer

2018 Decorative Concrete Fair


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2018 Decorative Concrete Fair

Solomon Colors

Raffle drawing at the Concrete Fair

Raffle drawing at the Concrete Fair

Concrete Cares had another successful outing at the 2018 Decorative Concrete Fair, hosted by Solomon Colors. Through raffles, donations, and t-shirt sales, Concrete Cares raised over $9000 for cancer victims, survivors, and their families. Almost $7000 was given directly to Alyasia Donnelly who has battled cancer for two years. Another $1600 was donated to Katlin Rodrigues, daughter of a Solomon Colors customer who was just diagnosed during the Decorative Concrete Fair.


September is children’s cancer awareness month. Proceeds from Concrete Cares fundraising will go to Quinn Regan. Quinn is a 10 year old who is going through his second round of cancer treatments. October proceeds will go to a member of the concrete family, Elisabeth Gomez, mother of 6 and wife of a concrete finisher from Fayetteville, AR. Concrete Cares will be at the Command Alkon Conference in Austin, TX October 29-31 and the World of Concrete in Las Vegas, NV January 21-24. Thank you for your continued support as we fight cancer “one yard at a time!”
