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130 Sugar Lake Drive
Mound City, KS, 66056
United States


Concrete Cares is a 501/c non-profit group of volunteers who provide events centered around concrete to fight cancer and help families stricken by cancer


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2018 World of Concrete Winners

Solomon Colors

We would like to thank everyone who participated and donated at this years World of Concrete event. With you help we were able to raise over $50,000 to help Candlelighters and 3 families dealing with cancer. 

If you were one of the silent auction or raffle participants. The winners are as follows.

Having fun.jpg

Solomon Colors / Brickform Texture stamps and skins won by: Paul Schnider, Michael Semko, and Brandon Fiege. 


The Maverick Guardian was won by Shane Baken.

Mavrick grinder.jpg

The Hi-Tech Brew Buggy was won by Michael Jenson


A Big Thank You from the Candlelighters!


Thank you to all our sponsors!